Winter Girl 2013

Okay, been way too long since the last update. I just started teaching Storyboard Design at ITU San Jose for the Spring semester. Leading up to that, during the last few months, I’ve been slammed with contract work and preparing for the class. It’s actually been good that I’ve been that busy, because previously things were way too slow.

So, the adventure of teaching in San Jose includes a two and a half hour journey on Bart and Caltrain. At first I saw it as a long and tedious commute, but really it’s been great for reflecting, writing, checking in with social media & people watching. This, of course is how I found Winter Girl this season.  She was a very lovely, redhead 20 something waring a leather jacket, fluffy scarf, jeans with rolled up pant legs and boots. Now, this was a little different than previous winter girls, in that I typically sketch them from memory as much as I can. For this one, I managed to get a quick sketch on the spot, as much like a 20 minute life drawing session on Bart. The sketch that’s posted here was was started on site with sketchbook pro on an iPad and fleshed out a bit more at home on my Cintiq in Sketchbook pro. The girl sitting next her by the window was facing me most of the time, chatting and I didn’t want to be obvious (or creepy), so I tried to just get quick glances during the ride. It was just enough to get a decent representation that I could later fill in the blanks.

The more finished, gray-scale image was done in Photoshop at home a few days later. So, in a way this is not unlike cafe sketching. I may do this more often during this lengthy commute. As long as I can do it without giving anybody the creeps.

Winter Girls 2013 Bart sketch


Winter Girl 2013 BW in Photoshop


About Administrator

Tom has worked for over two decades in television, advertising, and feature film animation. Tom was Character Sculptor and Effects Animator on the Warner Bros/Lorimar Gumby Adventures‚ TV series (1987-1988) and Gumby Movie‚ the stop-motion feature film (1991). In 1991 at Colossal Pictures, Tom's Animation Direction debut Coca-Cola Watch‚ won a Clio Award. In 2000 he became Co-Partner at Way Out West Prods in San Francisco. Tom joined Maverix Studios in October of 2002 and was a dedicated principal member of the group until September 2011. Tom is now an artist for hire.
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