Well, after much discussion – Dan and I have decided to stay with
foam latex and the last prosthetic sculpt we generated. Why try
re-inventing the wheel, right? The tried and true method for those
makeups in the original “Apes” films we feel, shouldn’t be tampered
with – as cool as silicone gel is. We still have the molds and we can
still generate some great foam appliances. And, as a matter if fact, we
have a couple of appliances left over from those days.
Here’s one of them:

Here’s a photo of the last makeup we created from that sculpt I did back
in the 90s and this is what you’ll see at the WonderCon this year:

About Administrator
Tom has worked for over two decades in television, advertising, and feature film animation. Tom was Character Sculptor and Effects Animator on the Warner Bros/Lorimar Gumby Adventures‚ TV series (1987-1988) and Gumby Movie‚ the stop-motion feature film (1991). In 1991 at Colossal Pictures, Tom's Animation Direction debut Coca-Cola Watch‚ won a Clio Award. In 2000 he became Co-Partner at Way Out West Prods in San Francisco. Tom joined Maverix Studios in October of 2002 and was a dedicated principal member of the group until September 2011. Tom is now an artist for hire.