The WIP continues…

“Sister’s First Flight” digital painting is coming along…at
least, I feel the attempt at colors on it is taking some shape.

Here are two stages up to now.

progression 01

progression 02

I’m working at a fairly low resolution – 150dpi and an average
2000px by 1200px and keeping any details to a minimum. This
way my computer doesn’t bog down too much while blocking in
large areas of color. Also the strokes I use with the stylus remain
pretty responsive and smooth. BTW, I’m using a 15″ cintiq tablet.
If I were to be working at final print resolution, say 300 to 600dpi
my computer would likely freeze up or stutter as I make each
stroke. I’ll leave any fine details such as faces, lizard scales, hair,
gravel, foliage etc. until last when I can safely bump up the file
size and resolution.

Stay tuned. Oh, and Happy New Year!

About Administrator

Tom has worked for over two decades in television, advertising, and feature film animation. Tom was Character Sculptor and Effects Animator on the Warner Bros/Lorimar Gumby Adventures‚ TV series (1987-1988) and Gumby Movie‚ the stop-motion feature film (1991). In 1991 at Colossal Pictures, Tom's Animation Direction debut Coca-Cola Watch‚ won a Clio Award. In 2000 he became Co-Partner at Way Out West Prods in San Francisco. Tom joined Maverix Studios in October of 2002 and was a dedicated principal member of the group until September 2011. Tom is now an artist for hire.
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2 Responses to The WIP continues…

  1. Alan says:

    I wish I was that dragon. Great work pal!

  2. Alan – You ARE a dragon. And you have the girl, as far as I remember! 😉

    Thanks, bud!

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