I came across these video clips on a back up drive and they don’t really have a place to live on my website, so I thought I’d share them here. I had a hand in each of them as an animator and/or artist. They each have their own “rarity” as stand-alones.
This clip represents the ‘tag’ of a series of commercials in the late 1990s, just a few seconds of animation strarring Manny, Moe and Jack of the “Pep Boys” fame. Colleague and friend Ricardo Barahona animated Manny and I animated Moe and Jack.
Here’s one of the funny commercials the animation was used in:
Now this is a piece that was an experiment using Lightwave 3D 7.0 back in 2001. Again Ricardo helped on this, creating the art and cycling cow animation. I then took his art and created displacements to give it a 2 1/2 D look, animated the camera and animated the assets. Today, After Effects could have been the appropriate software to use. Another friend and colleague Michael Baker designed the audio track. And yes, I used a simple title from imovie at the end.
This next clip represents a title sequence for the feature film “Valley of the Hearts Delight” directed by Tim Boxell. I worked with Alligator Planet, Inc. and designed the backgrounds. They were digitally painted by Siri Margerine, Scott Adams and myself, giving them the fruit crate art stylization. When the film was screened for a focus group, the audience thought they were going to see an animated feature. It was then decided to go without the art in the final release of the film. There is no audio on this version in the link below:
Well, this was fun. I’ll post another installment of clips from the archive soon.