This post has nothing to do with basketball. But some of it has
to do with tennis – namely Maria Sharapova. I sketched her intense
expression while she battled against Kim Clijsters during semi-finals
of the Australian Open. I probably should have done a sketch of
Kim as well, but I found myself getting into the excitement of the
match. A little tricky to draw during the action.
In the same group of sketches are random non-referenced stuff,
including a roman soldier, a smiling brunette girl, an older man and a guy
reading an encyclopedia.
A couple of other sketchbook entries are figure studies just for practice
without using a model and a pair of female faces.
This next piece is a faber-castel brush pen sketch that I posted in
The Drawing Board’s “traditional girls” jam.
Participating in the Drawing Board jams can be a lot of fun. In this one, the
challenge was to do a portrait of Morena Baccarin, of Firefly and Serenity fame.
Here is my entry: